Keep your eyes healthy and functioning properly with our professional vision care
Carmi Eye Care
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At Carmi Eye Care, our team can provide the treatment your vision needs from updating prescriptions to detecting the early warning signs of a disease or condition. When it comes to your vision, it is crucial to seek regular checkups and professional treatment. We can help to ensure that you have the proper prescription you need to see clearly and prevent vision issues from holding you back.
If you are interested in learning more about our treatment options or scheduling an appointment, call our Carmi optometrist at 618-374-0513 today.

Our Team
Our team strives to help patients enhance their vision, receive the proper prescription, provide an eye examination, and more. We take the time to establish a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere so patients can feel at ease during the appointment. Since the eyesight of each patient is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment plan. Thus, our team will address all of your concerns and questions before customizing treatment. We can also help you find the solution your eyesight needs to see more clearly from contact lenses to glasses, sunglasses, and more. We will help determine the right prescription you need to see clearly and live your lifestyle without any vision issues holding you back.

Our Services
As an optometrist, we provide an array of services to help with vision issues. During an eye exam, we will conduct tests to determine the strength of the patient’s eyesight. We will also check for various conditions, such as glaucoma. We can also conduct a diabetic eye exam for patients with diabetes. We can provide kids eyeglasses, corrective lenses, contacts, glasses, sunglasses, prescription glasses, progressive lenses, prescription contacts, and safety glasses. We also offer patients cataract treatment, red eye treatment, itchy eye treatment, and emergency eye care. Patients with a family history of certain eyesight conditions or diseases will need to schedule regular checkup appointments to keep an eye out for possible symptoms.

Patient Information
We will need to gather information on your medical history, current condition, allergies, insurance, and other relevant factors. With this information, we will conduct an examination and then determine the specific treatment you need. If there are any past prescription lenses or treatments that you tried and found ineffective, we need to know. Since your vision continues to change over time, we can make adjustments, so you see as clearly as possible. If you begin to notice changes in your vision or the strength of your eyesight, then it is crucial to call us right away. We can help diagnose the source of the problem and recommend the most effective treatment.